How much important are website layouts for conversions?
Strategic layout of website elements is paramount to drive more conversions. The designing of sites is the exclusive forte of ace designers who arranges the visuals, navigation, call to action and response elements appropriately based on past experience and through keen understanding of audience temperament.
Importance of proper layout
Human eyes perceive the inherent worth of a visual element when the same is presented through proper hierarchy. Sites which command the attention of visitors adhere to proper and aesthetic visual hierarchy. The important sections of the site such as value proposition, forms, call to action need to be emphasized upon through prominent ranking. Colour adjustment is very critical as striking colours appeal subliminally to the visitors and extracts the desired action out of him.
Ranking of web elements
Your business objective should define the preponderance of elements to be presented to the audience in terms of increasing priority. Lack of clear goal causes confusion in prioritization. Consequently, the visitor gets distracted and despite the presence of wealth of relevant information on site, he moves away.
To catch the attention, an attractive picture of the thing you are selling should feature dominantly on the landing page followed by killer headline and then the button for call to action. Next, the textual content as a paragraph should appear beneath the headline. The shipping banner to allure the visitors should come next and at last the button to navigate to the top should be there. Conscious ranking of elements will drive more conversion as the cardinal information points the visitors are seeking are presented seamlessly on a platter.
Layouts are also important as the appearance of webpage will vary from browser to browser and device to device. When the width of the browser window will be more, the expansion of details panel should be given precedence to offer greater utility to the visitors. The ratios have to be programmed in informed manner for different width scales.
Any redundant web element on the site literally delays the effective time within which the lead takes a decision to subscribe to your products or services.